
I get it. We’re still evolving. Yuk yuk yuk.

But are we? Evolution happens when the environment stresses an organism, forcing a change in its physiology. What stresses are there on us people? We don’t adapt to fit our environment, we adapt our environment to fit us. We use heaters, we wear clothing, we use lights where it’s dark, we bring water with us where there is none.



Dammit. As usual, I am late to the party.


Disclosure: The original pepper spray photo is here. I though the image was too dark in comparison to the 1967 photo above it, so I adjusted some of the mid-range and high-range tones using Levels and Brightness & Contrast in Photoshop. It had the effect of making the spray stand out a bit more. If you want an un-‘shopped image, go to the original.

Surprisingly aggressive marketing from Google

I love all things Google. I really do. If only more companies would follow a “don’t be evil” philosophy. So, it was surprising when I encountered a surprisingly aggressive sign-up strategy for Google Offers, Google’s daily-deal email service (the Google version of Groupon).

I was on the NYT site, and saw this in-body ad:

I was curious, so I clicked on it, which led me to here:

I clicked NO (which I circled red so you can see it easier). I already am signed up to too many of those daily deals. I’m not using them and I’ve been going through the process of un-subbing. So, imagine my surprise five minutes later when I check my inbox.

I didn’t sign up for this. I very clearly clicked on the NO button.

I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and chalk this off to a bug, but if it’s not a bug, then shame on somebody. Tisk Tisk.